Untitled (Ohne Titel),
screenprint on 350 g/qm Zuber Rieder Pure Coton, 48 x 37 cm. /19 x 14.6 inches,
handsigned and dated by the artist, 2023
€ 1750,-
Untitled (Ohne Titel), screenprint on 350 g/qm Zuber Rieder Pure Coton, 48 x 37 cm. /19 x 14.6 inches, handsigned and dated by the artist, 2023
€ 1750,-
Untitled, set of 4 six-color screen prints on handmade Somerset cotton paper 300 gms, each 100 x 70 cm. /39.4 x 27.6 inches, edition 100, each signed, numbered and dated, 2022
please contact gallery for price (set or individual prints)
Untitled, set of 3 screenprints on handmade Hahnemühle paper (300 g/m²), each 70 x 50 cm. /27.6 x 19.7 inches, each signed and numbered, 2021
please contact gallery for price (set)